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ifc += " var logImpressionToServer = function(method, eventType) {\n"; ifc += " var csmEndpoint = viewabilityUrl;\n"; ifc += " (new Image()).src = csmEndpoint + \'&method=\' + method + \'&event=\' + eventType;\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " // Copy of the reference Enum in vault/glup: banner_view_proto.proto\n"; ifc += " var trackingMethod = {\n"; ifc += " UNDEFINED_TRACKING_METHOD: 0,\n"; ifc += " INTERSECTION_OBSERVER: 1,\n"; ifc += " GEOMETRIC: 2,\n"; ifc += " BROWSER_OPTIMISATION: 3,\n"; ifc += " ELEMENT_FROM_POINT: 4\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " // Copy of the reference Enum in vault/glup: banner_view_proto.proto\n"; ifc += " var eventType = {\n"; ifc += " UNDEFINED_EVENT_TYPE: 0,\n"; ifc += " ONE_SECOND_50_PERCENT_VIEW: 1, // Time seen: >1sec / Part of the ad viewed: >50%\n"; ifc += " ZERO_SECOND_ZERO_PERCENT_VIEW: 2, // Time seen: >0sec / Part of the ad viewed: >0%\n"; ifc += " ONE_SECOND_ZERO_PERCENT_VIEW: 3, // Time seen: >1sec / Part of the ad viewed: >0%\n"; ifc += " ZERO_SECOND_100_PERCENT_VIEW: 4 // Time seen: >0sec / Part of the ad viewed: 100%\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " logImpressionToServer: logImpressionToServer,\n"; ifc += " trackingMethod: trackingMethod,\n"; ifc += " eventType: eventType\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "})();\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += "var time = (function() {\n"; ifc += " var vendors = [\'ms\', \'moz\', \'webkit\', \'o\'];\n"; ifc += " var rqFrame = buildOnFrame();\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " function buildOnFrame() {\n"; ifc += " var rAnimationFrame, cAnimationFrame;\n"; ifc += " if (window.requestAnimationFrame && window.cancelAnimationFrame) {\n"; ifc += " rAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;\n"; ifc += " cAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame;\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " for (var x = 0; x <"+" vendors.length && !rAnimationFrame; ++x) {\n"; ifc += " rAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + \'RequestAnimationFrame\'];\n"; ifc += " cAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + \'CancelAnimationFrame\'] || window[vendors[x] + \'CancelRequestAnimationFrame\'];\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (!rAnimationFrame || !cAnimationFrame) {\n"; ifc += " return function (cb) {\n"; ifc += " var targetTime = getTime() + 16;\n"; ifc += " var id;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var tick = function() {\n"; ifc += " var currTime = getTime();\n"; ifc += " if (currTime >= targetTime) {\n"; ifc += " cb();\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " id = window.setTimeout(tick);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " tick();\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " cancel: function () { window.clearTimeout(id); }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return function (cb) {\n"; ifc += " var id = rAnimationFrame(cb);\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " cancel: function() {\n"; ifc += " cAnimationFrame(id);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var getTime = function () {\n"; ifc += " return new Date().getTime();\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var setHighPrecisionTimeout = function (cb, time, tickCallback) {\n"; ifc += " var startTime = getTime();\n"; ifc += " var lastTime = startTime;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var tick = function () {\n"; ifc += " id.cancel();\n"; ifc += " var currentTime = getTime();\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " // Firefox and Chrome behave differently\n"; ifc += " // - Firefox will run way less requestAnimationFrame callbacks\n"; ifc += " // - Chrome, however, will do the same until the end of a requestAnimationFrame loops being run at the time the tab loses visibility, and will not run any new loops until the tab becomes visible again\n"; ifc += " // As the natural behaviour of Firefox doesn\'t work for us, we keep whether the last requestAnimationFrame happened recently (ie tab visible) or not (ie tab hidden).\n"; ifc += " // In that last case we don\'t run any animation\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (currentTime - lastTime <"+"= 1000) {\n"; ifc += " // We are in a case where the tab is visible\n"; ifc += " if (tickCallback) {\n"; ifc += " tickCallback((currentTime - startTime) / time);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (currentTime - startTime >= time) {\n"; ifc += " lastTime = currentTime;\n"; ifc += " cb();\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " lastTime = currentTime;\n"; ifc += " id = rqFrame(tick);\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var id = rqFrame(tick);\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " cancel: function () { id.cancel(); }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var setLowPrecisionTimeout = function (cb, time) {\n"; ifc += " var id;\n"; ifc += " var timeLeft = time;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var tick = function () {\n"; ifc += " // We never use timeouts over 1sec because IE9 (and probably IE10)\n"; ifc += " // do not respect long durations. setTimeout(30s) has been seen to trigger\n"; ifc += " // as early as 5sec, and as late as 1min\n"; ifc += " if (timeLeft > 1000) {\n"; ifc += " timeLeft -= 1000;\n"; ifc += " id = window.setTimeout(tick, 1000);\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " id = window.setTimeout(cb, timeLeft);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " tick();\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " cancel: function () { window.clearTimeout(id); }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var setTimeout = function (cb, time, highPrecision) {\n"; ifc += " var timeoutResolution = highPrecision ? setHighPrecisionTimeout : setLowPrecisionTimeout;\n"; ifc += " return timeoutResolution(cb, time);\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var setInterval = function (cb, time, highPrecision) {\n"; ifc += " var timeoutCb = function () {\n"; ifc += " interval.cancel = setTimeout(timeoutCb, time, highPrecision).cancel;\n"; ifc += " cb();\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var interval = setTimeout(timeoutCb, time, highPrecision);\n"; ifc += " return interval;\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " getTime : getTime,\n"; ifc += " setInterval: setInterval,\n"; ifc += " setTimeout: setTimeout,\n"; ifc += " setHighPrecisionTimeout: setHighPrecisionTimeout\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "})();\n"; ifc += "var viewability = (function (time, vwCommon) {\n"; ifc += " var viewability = {};\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var oneSec50PercentLogged = false,\n"; ifc += " zeroSecZeroPercentLogged = false,\n"; ifc += " zeroSec100PercentLogged = false;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewability.visibleTimerCallback = function (element) {\n"; ifc += " delete element.visibleTimeout;\n"; ifc += " if (element.isVisible) {\n"; ifc += " delete element.isVisible;\n"; ifc += " vwCommon.logImpressionToServer(vwCommon.trackingMethod.INTERSECTION_OBSERVER, vwCommon.eventType.ONE_SECOND_50_PERCENT_VIEW);\n"; ifc += " oneSec50PercentLogged = true;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var visibleTimerCallbackWrapped = function (element) {\n"; ifc += " return function () { return viewability.visibleTimerCallback(element); };\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " // Strongly inspired from https://github.com/WICG/IntersectionObserver/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md#element-visibility\n"; ifc += " viewability.processChanges = function (changes) {\n"; ifc += " for (var i = 0; i <"+" changes.length; i++) {\n"; ifc += " if ((!viewability.oneSec50PercentEnabled || oneSec50PercentLogged) &&\n"; ifc += " (!viewability.zeroSecZeroPercentEnabled || zeroSecZeroPercentLogged) &&\n"; ifc += " (!viewability.zeroSec100PercentEnabled || zeroSec100PercentLogged)) {\n"; ifc += " viewability.observer.unobserve(changes[i].target);\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (viewability.zeroSecZeroPercentEnabled && !zeroSecZeroPercentLogged && changes[i].intersectionRatio > 0) {\n"; ifc += " vwCommon.logImpressionToServer(vwCommon.trackingMethod.INTERSECTION_OBSERVER, vwCommon.eventType.ZERO_SECOND_ZERO_PERCENT_VIEW);\n"; ifc += " zeroSecZeroPercentLogged = true;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (viewability.zeroSec100PercentEnabled && !zeroSec100PercentLogged && changes[i].intersectionRatio >= 1) {\n"; ifc += " vwCommon.logImpressionToServer(vwCommon.trackingMethod.INTERSECTION_OBSERVER, vwCommon.eventType.ZERO_SECOND_100_PERCENT_VIEW);\n"; ifc += " zeroSec100PercentLogged = true;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (viewability.oneSec50PercentEnabled && !oneSec50PercentLogged) {\n"; ifc += " var element = changes[i].target;\n"; ifc += " element.isVisible = changes[i].intersectionRatio >= 0.5;\n"; ifc += " if (element.isVisible) {\n"; ifc += " // Transitioned from hidden to visible\n"; ifc += " element.visibleTimeout = time.setTimeout(visibleTimerCallbackWrapped(element), 1000);\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " // Transitioned from visible to hidden\n"; ifc += " if (\'visibleTimeout\' in element) {\n"; ifc += " element.visibleTimeout.cancel();\n"; ifc += " delete element.visibleTimeout;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewability.setup = function (viewabilityOneSec50PercentEnabled, viewabilityZeroSecZeroPercentEnabled, viewabilityZeroSec100PercentEnabled) {\n"; ifc += " // If feature is deactivated or if browser does not natively support IntersectionObserver, do nothing\n"; ifc += " viewability.oneSec50PercentEnabled = viewabilityOneSec50PercentEnabled;\n"; ifc += " viewability.zeroSecZeroPercentEnabled = viewabilityZeroSecZeroPercentEnabled;\n"; ifc += " viewability.zeroSec100PercentEnabled = viewabilityZeroSec100PercentEnabled;\n"; ifc += " if ((!viewability.oneSec50PercentEnabled && !viewability.zeroSecZeroPercentEnabled && !viewability.zeroSec100PercentEnabled) ||\n"; ifc += " !window.IntersectionObserver || !viewabilityUrl || !viewabilityUrl.length) {\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewability.observer = new IntersectionObserver(viewability.processChanges, { threshold: [0, 0.5, 1] });\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var bnrElement = document.querySelector(\'#cto_banner_content\');\n"; ifc += " if (bnrElement && viewability.observer) {\n"; ifc += " viewability.observer.observe(bnrElement);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return viewability;\n"; ifc += "})(time, vwCommon);\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += "viewability.setup(viewabilityOneSec50PercentEnabled, viewabilityZeroSecZeroPercentEnabled, viewabilityZeroSec100PercentEnabled);\n"; ifc += "var viewabilityBrowserOptim = (function (vwCommon) {\n"; ifc += " var viewabilityBo = {};\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var framerateThreshold = 300;\n"; ifc += " var framerateThrottle = 100;\n"; ifc += " var timeRequiredMs = 1000;\n"; ifc += " var key;\n"; ifc += " var enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent;\n"; ifc += " var frame;\n"; ifc += " var prevtime;\n"; ifc += " var firstTimeSeen;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.stopRaf = function() {\n"; ifc += " (frame.contentWindow || frame).postMessage(JSON.stringify({ k: key }), \'*\');\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.checkFps = function(data) {\n"; ifc += " var elapsedTime = data.t - prevtime;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " if (elapsedTime >= framerateThreshold) {\n"; ifc += " firstTimeSeen = null;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " if (firstTimeSeen === null) {\n"; ifc += " firstTimeSeen = data.t;\n"; ifc += " } else if (data.t - firstTimeSeen >= timeRequiredMs) {\n"; ifc += " if (enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent) {\n"; ifc += " enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent = false;\n"; ifc += " vwCommon.logImpressionToServer(vwCommon.TrackingMethod.BROWSER_OPTIMISATION, vwCommon.EventType.ONE_SECOND_50_PERCENT_VIEW);\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.stopRaf();\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " prevtime = data.t;\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.createIframe = function() {\n"; ifc += " frame = document.createElement(\'iframe\');\n"; ifc += " frame.id = \'bo-iframe\';\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " frame.style.pointerEvents = \'none\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.position = \'absolute\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.top = document.body.clientHeight / 2 - 2 + \'px\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.left = document.body.clientWidth / 2 - 2 + \'px\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.zIndex = 9999;\n"; ifc += " frame.style.width = frame.style.height = \'4px\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.margin = frame.style.padding = 0;\n"; ifc += " frame.style.background = \'transparent\';\n"; ifc += " frame.style.border = \'none\';\n"; ifc += " frame.frameBorder = 0;\n"; ifc += " frame.scrolling = \'no\';\n"; ifc += " document.body.appendChild(frame);\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var root = document.createElement(\'html\');\n"; ifc += " var head = document.createElement(\'head\');\n"; ifc += " var script = document.createElement(\'script\');\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " script.type = \'text/javascript\';\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var iframeClosure = function(key, framerateThrottle) {\n"; ifc += " window.addEventListener(\'load\', function() {\n"; ifc += " var stopRAF = false;\n"; ifc += " window.addEventListener(\'message\', function(msg) {\n"; ifc += " try {\n"; ifc += " var data = JSON.parse(msg.data);\n"; ifc += " if (data.k === key) {\n"; ifc += " stopRAF = true;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " } catch(err) {}\n"; ifc += " }, false);\n"; ifc += " var f = function(n) {\n"; ifc += " if (stopRAF) {\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ k: key, t: n }), \'*\');\n"; ifc += " window.setTimeout(function() { window.requestAnimationFrame(f); }, framerateThrottle);\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += " window.requestAnimationFrame(f);\n"; ifc += " }, false);\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " script.text = \'(\' + iframeClosure.toString() + \')(\"\' + key + \'\", \' + framerateThrottle + \')\';\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " head.appendChild(script);\n"; ifc += " root.appendChild(head);\n"; ifc += " frame.sandbox = \'allow-scripts\';\n"; ifc += " frame.srcdoc = root.outerHTML;\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.setup = function(browserOptimOneSec50Percent) {\n"; ifc += " enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent = browserOptimOneSec50Percent;\n"; ifc += " if (!enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent || !window.requestAnimationFrame || !window.viewabilityUrl || !window.viewabilityUrl.length) {\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " prevtime = 0;\n"; ifc += " firstTimeSeen = 0;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " window.addEventListener(\'message\',\n"; ifc += " function(msg) {\n"; ifc += " try {\n"; ifc += " var data = JSON.parse(msg.data);\n"; ifc += " if (data.k === key) {\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.checkFps(data);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " } catch(err) {}\n"; ifc += " },\n"; ifc += " false\n"; ifc += " );\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " viewabilityBo.createIframe();\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " setup: viewabilityBo.setup\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "})(vwCommon)\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += "viewabilityBrowserOptim.setup(enableViewabilityBrowserOptimOneSec50Percent);\n"; ifc += "var viewabilityElementFromPoint = (function (time, vwCommon) {\n"; ifc += " var checkRateMs = 100; // Time between each check of the viewability of the Ad in ms\n"; ifc += " var timeRequiredMs = 1000;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " function isIe8to11() {\n"; ifc += " return !!document.documentMode;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " function isViewableEltFromPointMethod () {\n"; ifc += " var adsHeight = document.body.clientHeight || window.innerHeight;\n"; ifc += " var adsWidth = document.body.clientWidth || window.innerWidth;\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return !!document.elementFromPoint(Math.floor(adsWidth * 0.5), Math.floor(adsHeight * 0.5));\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " function setup (viewabilityEltFromPointOneSec50PercentEnabled) {\n"; ifc += " // If feature is deactivated or if browser is not IE between 8 and 11, do nothing\n"; ifc += " if (!viewabilityEltFromPointOneSec50PercentEnabled || !isIe8to11() || !viewabilityUrl) {\n"; ifc += " return;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var tick = 0;\n"; ifc += " var interval = time.setInterval(function() {\n"; ifc += " if (isViewableEltFromPointMethod()) {\n"; ifc += " tick++;\n"; ifc += " if (tick >= (timeRequiredMs / checkRateMs)) {\n"; ifc += " vwCommon.logImpressionToServer(vwCommon.trackingMethod.ELEMENT_FROM_POINT, vwCommon.eventType.ONE_SECOND_50_PERCENT_VIEW);\n"; ifc += " interval.cancel();\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " } else {\n"; ifc += " tick = 0;\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }, checkRateMs, true);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " return {\n"; ifc += " setup: setup\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "})(time, vwCommon);\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += "viewabilityElementFromPoint.setup(viewabilityEltFromPointOneSec50PercentEnabled); })();<"+"/script>\n"; ifc += "<"+"script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; ifc += "(function() {\n"; ifc += " var getElts = function(className, domElem){\n"; ifc += " var desc = [];\n"; ifc += " if (document.getElementsByClassName){\n"; ifc += " desc = domElem.getElementsByClassName(className);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " else {\n"; ifc += " var elem = domElem.getElementsByTagName(\'*\');\n"; ifc += " for (var i = 0; i <"+" elem.length; i++) {\n"; ifc += " if((\' \' + elem[i].className + \' \').indexOf(\' \'+className+\' \') > -1) desc.push(elem[i]);\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " }\n"; ifc += " return desc;\n"; ifc += " };\n"; ifc += "\n"; ifc += " var truncate = function(div, maxCharacter) {\n"; 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